Always Packed for Adventure!

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Only a Book Lover will "Get This"

I am sitting here, trying to figure out what to pack for my first trip to England and my main concern is which books should I bring? 

I say this is a concern, but really, I love it. I love the ritual of pouring over my bookshelf and picking out the perfect books to take a vacation with me.  

When I pack for a trip, books always take priority over clothes. I just can't stand the thought of being without something to read. It drives me nuts. I always have a book in my purse wherever I go, always. I might forget my wallet or lipstick, but the book will be there.  

When I finish a book, I replace it immediately. I love going to my bookcase of to-be-read books and picking out the next one. I usually have several books going at the same time, one in my purse, one on my nightstand, one on my Kindle... 

The thought of an eleven hour plane journey both thrills me and scares me. I'm thrilled to have no other agenda other than to read and watch movies. I am freaked out, because maybe I won't have packed enough to keep me busy. What if I pack books that end up being slow to start and I am stuck with a clunker?  Nightmare.

Here is what I have done and I realize that only book lovers will "get me" regarding my book plan. 

1. I have my Kindle fully charged with nine ebooks, a mix of fiction and non-fiction, funny and serious.  

2. I have my Ipad fully charged, in case my Kindle battery dies.  i have the Kindle app ready to go.

3. i have two real books. One fiction, one non-fiction..both lengthy. This is on the off chance that both Kindle and Ipad batteries die. Also, I need real books to fill the take-off and landing gap for when electronics have to be turned off. 

Eleven books for a ten day trip. Sounds about right to me.