Book Review- Caitlin Moran's Moranthology
Caitlin Moran's Moranthology is my book of seconds. It has been my second Moran book, each of which were read on trips to the UK. Moranthology was read on my second trip to the UK.
Moran is a journalist and Moranthology is a compilation of her articles and thoughts on a whole range of issues, including social, pop-culture, feminism and politics.
Although between my two trips this year, I've spent nearly six weeks in the UK, there is still so much about British culture in which I'm clueless. I know that many things Moran writes about go right over my head. I did a silent cheer every time I "got" something, that I would have been clueless about prior to my vacations or dating my Brit.
There were some pop-culture things that I didn't get because there are shows, Dr. Who for example, that I don't watch. I skimmed that chapter. However, I got tears from laughing so hard over her dissection and tear-down of Downton Abbey. Downton Abbey is one of my favorite shows, but Moran makes some very valid points for it being a shoddy melodrama.
She has a great comedic writing style, but not all of her articles are funny. Moran lived a very financially disadvantaged childhood with her father on disability and her family scrapping by on public assistance. Her past is often a theme in her writing. One of her stand-out chapters is a very frank rant about why blaming the poor and cutting social services is not an acceptable or moral solution in modern society. As someone who has been fortunate to lead a very privileged life, it was a hard look at how the other half lives and a reminder to show compassion. Her words stuck with me.
Moran comes across as very likable and as someone that would be fun to hang out with in a pub. She's quirky, proudly shows her flaws and has the ability to laugh at herself. This makes her very accessible to readers, I only wish that I understood more of her references.