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Book Review- Rosecrans Baldwin's Paris, I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down


Whenever in Pasadena, I always visit Vromans Bookstore and head straight to the travel section. Rosecrans Baldwin's Paris, I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down was a find on my recent visit. Last summer, I visited two towns in southern France, but I'm still dreaming of going to Paris! (hint, hint to my husband)

PLOT- In his memoir, Paris, I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down, Rosecrans Baldwin recounts his eighteen months living in Paris. Baldwin and his wife, Rachel, are in their late-twenties and they seize the opportunity to live in another country, when Rosecrans is offered an opportunity as a copywriter at a French advertising agency. Paris, I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down, tells the highs and lows of attempting to live in a different culture.

LIKE- Within the first two pages of the book, I was laughing so hard that I had to stop and read paragraphs aloud to my husband. It was too funny to keep to myself. Baldwin's witty style of writing and keen observations kept me turning the page. Paris, I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down, was so enjoyable, that I found myself eschewing household chores and homework, because I wanted to read "just one more chapter." Fun stuff.

I like how Baldwin's experience was a rollercoaster. His time in France is peppered with colorful characters, cultural missteps, and lots of red tape. I get the feeling that both Baldwin and his wife, have a genuine love for Paris and the community of friends that they have made, but that they also miss many things about America. This is honest to me. My husband is English and I'm sure that if I moved to Great Britain, I'd feel the same mix of emotions. How could you not?

The cultural differences create many of the comedic situations in Baldwin's memoir, but Baldwin and his wife, navigate most of these differences with a good attitude and a sense of adventure. Many of the most entertaining chapters involve Baldwin's coworkers at the advertising agency. He has a quirky bunch of coworkers and a less-than-stellar command of the French language, creating miscommunication, frustration, and laughs. 

DISLIKE- Nothing to dislike. 

RECOMMEND- Yes! Paris, I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down is highly entertaining and a fun ride. I enjoyed living vicariously through Baldwin's Paris adventure.