Book Review- Agustina Bazterrica's Nineteen Claws and a Black Bird: Stories
Thank you to Scribner for the arc of Agustina Bazterrica’s Nineteen Claws and a Black Bird: Stories.
In her horror collection, Nineteen Claws and a Black Bird: Stories, Argentinian author Agustina Bazterrica writes unsettling and downright shocking stories. Bazterrica has a quirky, dark sense of humor and a feminist bent. One of my favorite stories involves a young girl that warns a sexual predator that she has a rabbit named Roberto that lives between her legs. Of course, he does not believe her and when he attacks her, he meets Roberto.
The most shocking and unusual story is The Continuous Equality of the Circumference, where a woman desires to turn herself into a circle. A circle. An actual circle. She physically alters her body to become a circle. It’s absolutely bonkers and filled with imagery that stuck with me long after finishing the story.
I work at a bookstore and Bazterrica’s bestseller, Tender is the Flesh, has long caught my eye. I have not read it yet, but it is on my list. I jumped at the chance to get an arc of Nineteen Claws and a Black Bird. I’ve confirmed my suspicions that I would like Bazterrica’s style.
I think it’s also important to read outside of ones own language and culture. Originally written in Spanish, this is a translated work. I wish I was skilled enough to read it in its native language, however, even if you need to read a translation, I think there is value in experiencing works from other countries. The themes and way of storytelling can vary culture to culture, and this is just an interesting way to gain new perspectives.
If you like horror (gruesome horror) and short stories, make sure to add Bazterrica’s Nineteen Claws and a Black Bird to your reading list.